Author | Chatmeter TeamDate Posted | February 19, 2020

Warning! Google is Taking Away Control of Your Listings!

Have you recently logged in to Chatmeter to check your Google My Business (GMB) claimed status for all your stores? If you answered “No” then you should drop everything you’re doing (yes, including your trendy new iWatch) and log in to your platform NOOOOOW. Google will be un-verifying pages that haven’t had recent owner activity.

Keep Your Current Listings and Remain the King/Queen of Your Castle

Should you avoid reclaiming your magical castle that is your GMB page, Google soldiers will count it as a win, seizing ownership. Parts of your information may change, thus plummeting you against the dragon you really don’t want to face: imagine him burning down your rankings.

What exactly does un-verify or not claimed mean?

Google will un-verify (or un-claim) listings that haven’t been logged in to or active in the last 6 months or more. Once unverified, Google will display a notice stating, “Disconnected.” Google will then own your page, unless you take the steps to reclaim it.

Chatmeter has the enterprise ability to allow you to monitor your verified or claimed statuses for all your stores from the listings tab (screen-shotted below). Export, roll-up, or view by single location and prevent Google from locking your stores out.

What actions should you take right now?

First off, log in to your Google page ASAP. If you notice that you still have verification- Good for you! You don’t need to take steps to reclaim your page!

Should you receive the “Disconnected” declaration, reclaim your page via postcard, phone or online by accessing the instructions at the Google My Business help center. Once the pages are re-verified, they will bounce back to verified status and you will retain ownership again.

Why should you do this ASAP?

Having un-verified pages bumps down your rankings!

Feeling overwhelmed because you manage many GMB pages? Contact us today to find out how you can utilize our dashboard to easily check how your Google Business location pages are doing. Our tool allows you to view a Workflow task list for many locations at a time, and signals you if your Google, Yelp, and other pages need verification. For further information, check out Brian’s post. Good luck!