Author | Chatmeter TeamDate Posted | May 7, 2020

How Brands Can Keep Their Customers Engaged During Quarantine

If you’re like us, and you’re doing your part to stay healthy and flatten the curve, then you know one thing to be true, quarantine is tough. What day is it? How many times do I really need to clean my closet? Is it possible to watch everything on Netflix? Luckily, as a business, quarantine has given your brand the rare opportunity to keep your customers entertained like never before.

Here at Chatmeter, we’ve compiled a list of creative ways brands can keep their customers engaged even when they can’t shop with you. Our list includes ideas for brands in every industry, but feel free to use an idea outside of your space.

Share these ideas on social media, email, your website, or any place you actively interact with your customers. Most importantly, have some fun and let your creativity shine through.

What to Post During Quarantine by Industry

Auto Repair: Create videos on how to do simple auto repair tasks from home. For example: changing your oil, changing a tire, jump start a car. Have your customers share their own DIY car projects that they’ve done for fun.

Banks: Banks are open during quarantine, but now is a good time to offer free online financial courses to your customers. Teach them about the stock market, planning for retirement, and more.

Bars: Create videos teaching people how to make cocktails at home. Try to think of creative names for the drinks. Bring the bar to your customers by offering delivery services for your cocktails (check with your state’s regulations).

Bookstores: Try a virtual book club for your local community. Creating a Facebook Group would be the perfect place to keep everyone engaged. Offer gift cards and deliver curated book packages that are customized to each individual’s preferences.

Car Dealers: Offer to pick up groceries for seniors or those most at risk of contracting COVID-19. Use a courtesy vehicle to make no-contact drop-offs. Your dealership can also offer to handle all financing and paperwork online, and park your customer’s shiny new vehicle in their driveway.

Casinos: Incentivize customers to return to your casino in the future with coupons, deals, and poker chips. Host online slot machine parties and poker games. Have your customers share their favorite “good-luck” charm for when they’re gambling in the casino. You can also show consumers you care on social media by donating food and products to charities.

Coffee Shops: Offer free no-contact delivery of ground coffee beans. Share creative coffee recipes such as face masks, cake or even kids crafts.

Colleges: Create discussion posts, blogs, and videos about different educational topics and tips for a successful virtual classroom experience. Open some online courses to the public for free in order to give back and inspire people to go back to school.

Computer Repair: Although your store may not be open, you can still offer your services by having individuals mail in their broken computers to you. You can also offer your services to people who may have recently started working from home. Without an IT department on hand, many people could use your help.

Contractors/Construction:  Engage with customers by giving fun facts about past construction projects in the area – you can relate them back to the region’s history or events. Create videos on how to build simple things like a bench or even a new WFH desk. Since some construction services are still deemed essential, don’t forget to send a reminder to your clients if you are still open.

Dentists: Create videos and tips to help protect teeth hygiene during this time. Videos on proper brushing, flossing, and teeth whitening are helpful.

Doctors: Create short videos guiding people on how they can stay healthy during this time and post it on social media. Get your customers involved by having them share the advice they’ve been following from you. Many clinics and offices are still providing virtual appointments through telehealth services. If your clinic is offering appointments, give your patients instructions on how they can sign up.

Entertainment: Give your followers suggestions on fun indoor activities they can indulge in related to your brand. For example, if you’re a Lazer Tag brand, show customers how to build an obstacle course in their own home and play with Nerf guns. Encourage customers to build their own mini-golf course and give gift certificates to the lucky winners.

Farming: Partner with local businesses that are still offering curbside pickup or takeout. You can also post on social media and your website about different ways customers can still pick up your produce. For example, you can create produce packages and mail them out to your clients.

Grocery Stores: Offer exclusive deals and special hours for those in need. Continuously update through social media, emails, and local pages about products and services available.

Gyms: Try virtual workout classes with your fitness center members. You can host these workout classes through Zoom or Instagram Live. You can also partner with other local businesses that may be closed during this time to help support one another and keep customers engaged.

Healthcare Systems: Keep your patients informed on ways to prevent COVID-19. Prevent hospital overflow by sharing insights on when people should stay home or see a doctor for their ailments.

Hotels: Host virtual tours of interesting rooms throughout your hotel. Encourage your audience to share their favorite stories and trips from your hotel. If you can, offer your hotel to house hospital overflow or the homeless during this crisis.

Insurance: Right now is an especially important time to reach out to your customers and see if there are any ways you can help. Let them know that you’re still available over the phone, email, and other preferred methods of communication. Offer discounts or incentives to clients.

Lawyers: During this difficult time, it’s a great idea to share any legal advice or provide free consultations for individuals. Create short videos where you educate individuals on their rights. If you’re in a specialized area such as tax advising, educate customers and host sessions where you can teach people how to prep their taxes.

Phone Services: With phone and data usage on the rise due to quarantine, offer your customers a token of appreciation with rewards or small gifts. In addition, notify your clients who are affected by COVID-19 if there are any ways you plan to help them. Create a list of FAQs and post it on your website and social media to answer common questions.

Real Estate: Post on social media about your homes that are available. Use some fun ways to create an online discussion by having customers share what their dream home looks like, what their future plans are for home buying/selling, and how you can help them find it. Inspire future home sellers by showing them different ways they can prepare their homes to attract buyers.

Restaurants: Although people may not be able to visit your restaurant, you can still offer delivery or take-out. Post on social media to let your customers know which menu items they can enjoy. Tender Greens is even offering “Grocery Boxes” to keep their communities fed and their farmers paid.

Retail: Offer gift cards to customers so they can use them in the future. Create fun “look-books” and style-guides with your brand’s apparel. Donate your products to those in need.

Storage: Since you can’t bring customers storage solutions directly, try to provide them with advice virtually. Share different ways customers can organize their belongings and provide creative storage solutions to help for the time being. You can create videos on how to optimize your space as well.

How Brands Engage Customers During Quarantine – All Industries:

  • Create contests with customers.
  • Spotlight your reviews.
  • Create short how-to videos.
  • Offer online discounts and deals.
  • Encourage your audience to share how they’re practicing social distancing.
  • Offer video conferencing options so customers can get a face-to-face interaction.
  • Create and share employee spotlights.
  • Invite customers to give back to their local communities with you.
  • Offer flexible shipping and return options.
  • Share fun customer stories.
  • Encourage DIY projects relevant to your brand.
  • Host a virtual Q&A with your customers.
  • Create polls encouraging customers to vote on future product/service ideas.
  • Share trivia questions related to your industry and send free swag to winners.
  • Host giveaways.
  • Give office tours (it’s empty so now is the perfect time to share.)
  • Collaborate with local causes to give back and expand your reach.

Although quarantine has given brands certain challenges, this doesn’t mean engagement with your customers has to stop. These ideas will help your brand garner support and interaction from customers through quarantine. In fact, this time can help your brand flourish by thinking outside of the box, and ultimately expand your audience! If you happen to use any of these ideas, comment below and let us know how they turned out for you.