Author | Chatmeter TeamDate Posted | January 11, 2019

How to Easily Update Summer Hours with Local Listings Management

The weather is hotter, tourists are a-bustling and many people are indulging in summertime treats (at least for us here in San Diego!) Are you a business that caters your hours to the season changes? 4 out of 5 customers are searching for business information online, so it is crucial to keep your online hour information in synch to avoid missing out on potential customers.

During the summer, 25% of businesses change their hours of operation. Google has now activated a tool that allows you to quickly check how your Google My Business Listing is appearing to searchers.

So if you’re a business that changes with the season, jump on over to Google’s very helpful hour updating tool. When the summer is over, make sure to change your hours again. There is no automatic set back.

Check out Ginny Marvin’s post for greater detail.

As a reminder…

Businesses with complete listings are considered to be two times more reputable than those that aren’t complete. Chatmeter’s dashboard tool notifies customers if their Google My Business page has missing information. Don’t wait for potential customers to find your missing information first. Be on the forefront of your reputation!